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Move Menu

The Move menu contains items which allow you to control movement of the viewpoint and fit. Note that some of these items may have no effect if a 2-D image is displayed in the main window. A description of each item is given below.

To Home

Rotates 3-D event display to home position with Z upwards, Y to the right, and X out of the screen. Also centers the detector in the display, resets the magnification, and sets the perspective to orthographic.
To Fit
Changes the perspective point for 3-D display to the event vertex, with line of sight in the direction of the fitted event. If no fitted event is available, then the display is not changed.
To Sun
Rotates the 3-D event display so that the line of sight is away from the sun, and sets the perspective to orthographic.
Auto Fit
When this setting is toggled on, the perspective for the 3-D image is changed for each new event in the same way that Move/To Fit changes the display for a single event.
Auto Sun
When this setting is toggled on, the 3-D image is changed for each new event in the same way that Move/To Sun changes the display for a single event.
When this setting is on, clicking and dragging in the main XSNOED 3-D image window causes the whole detector to rotate (left mouse button) or translate (center mouse button).
When this setting is on, clicking and dragging in the main XSNOED 3-D image window causes the current fit to translate (left mouse button) or rotate (center mouse button). If no fit is available, then the behaviour defaults to Move/Sphere.
Next Fit
Cycles through the fits available for a particular event. The current fit is indicated by a different color which is specified by the curcon_col resource (usually set to Red). Also, if Display/Fit Lines is selected, then lines are drawn from the vertex along the Cherenkov cone of the current fit.