XSnoed Default XSnoed resource file geodesic.geo PSUP geometry file polar.geo Polar wire frame geometry vessel.geo Acrylic vessel geometry file flat.geo Flat Map geometry file database.dat Default PMT position database file NCDTubeMap.dat Default NCD position database file db_list.dat 1 List of PMT/NCD database files to use based on run number fitter.dat [optional] Fitter configuration file to override defaults (fitter version only) <cal_file> 2 [optional] PMT calibration constants to enable calibrated data display (calibrated version only) <oca_file> 2 [optional] Optical calibration constants to enable calibrated hit display (OCA version only) ascii_window_menu.dat [optional] Definition for optional menu in ASCII window. See the ASCII Output window section for details.
1 If this file doesn't exist or if a database is not specified for the current run number, then the default PMT or NCD database is used.
2 The names of cal_file and oca_file are obtained from the XSnoed resource file.
XSNOED will generate binary versions of the PMT position database and the PMT calibration constants when they are loaded, and save them to disk with a ".bin" added to the filename if write privileges are available in the directory where these files are kept. These binary files load much more quickly, and will be used (if available) the next time they are needed. Note that these binary files are not portable to different platforms, and therefore are not provided as part of the standard XSNOED release.
XSNOED searches the following directories in order when looking for the support files:
Note: The SNO manhattan web server sets the MIME type of ZDAB files to "www/unknown". Other web servers may have different defaults, so the MIME type in step 5 above may be different. If the web server can be configured, the preferred MIME type for ZDAB files would be "application/xsnoed". To determine the MIME type for a page loaded by Netscape, select "View/Page Info" from the Netscape menus.
LOAD_CALIBRATION Enables calibrated data display. This version reads a calibration data file to obtain charge/time calibrations for each cell. This version requires a calibration database file to display calibrated values (name determined by the resource variable 'cal_file'). FITTR Online fitter enabled (calibrated display also enabled). This version requires a fitter configuration file (fitter.dat) for initialization of fitter constants. USE_PTHREAD Does all dispatcher calls from a separate program thread. This version is useful to improve the GUI response when connecting to a dispatcher through a slow connection. Do not use this version if a fast dispatcher connection is available, because the dispatcher performance will be somewhat degraded. ROOT_FILE Enables the ability to read ROOT files. To run this version, the ROOT libraries must exist and be set in the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. OPTICAL_CAL Enables optical calibration option. With this option enabled, the calibrated Hit Count display shows hits relative to calculated occupancy. This version requires database of optical calibration constants (name determined by the resource variable 'oca_file'). NO_DISPATCH No dispatcher connection capabilities. This version is provided to allow compilation on systems where the dispatcher libraries are not available. DEMO_VERSION Demo version of XSNOED. This version is fully functional, but has an additional password protect feature that disables certain features allowing XSNOED to be used as an interactive demonstration for the general public. SNOPLUS SNO+ version of the event display. Supports CAEN data instead of NCD.